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Black Pepper Essential Oil

Pure natural black pepper oil extracted by supercritical CO2

Black pepper essential oil is a popular natural product that is widely used in the food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetic industries due to its unique aroma, flavor, and health benefits. In this article, we will discuss the extraction methods of black pepper essential oil, with a focus on CO2 extraction.

Top 3 Extraction Methods of Black Pepper Essential Oil

The most common methods of extracting black pepper essential oil are steam distillation, solvent extraction, and CO2 extraction. Each method has its own advantages and disadvantages.

Steam Distillation

Steam distillation is the traditional method of extracting essential oils from plant materials. In this method, steam is passed through the black pepper berries, causing the oil-containing glands to burst and release the essential oil. The steam and essential oil are then condensed and separated.

The advantages of steam distillation are that it is a simple and inexpensive method and can produce a high-quality essential oil with a pleasant aroma. However, the yield of essential oil is relatively low, and the process can take a long time.

Solvent Extraction

Solvent extraction is a method of extracting essential oils using organic solvents such as hexane, ethanol, or acetone. The black pepper berries are first crushed and treated with the solvent, which extracts the essential oil. The solvent and essential oil are then separated, and the solvent is evaporated to obtain the essential oil.

The advantages of solvent extraction are that it can produce a high yield of essential oil and is a relatively fast process. However, the solvent residue may leave behind toxic substances and affect the quality of the essential oil.

CO2 Extraction

Supercritical Agarwood Oil CO2 extraction machine 【CO2 Essential Oil Extraction Equipment】

CO2 extraction is a modern and advanced method of extracting essential oils that uses supercritical carbon dioxide as a solvent. In this method, the black pepper berries are placed in a high-pressure chamber with carbon dioxide. The carbon dioxide becomes supercritical, which means it has the properties of both a gas and a liquid, and can dissolve the essential oil. The essential oil is then separated from the carbon dioxide by reducing the pressure.

The advantages of CO2 extraction are that it is a safe and eco-friendly method that can produce a high-quality essential oil with a high yield. Additionally, it can extract both the volatile and non-volatile components of the black pepper berries, which can provide a more complete and complex aroma and flavor profile.

CO2 Extraction of Black Pepper Essential Oil

The CO2 extraction of black pepper essential oil is a complex process that requires careful control of the parameters, including pressure, temperature, and time. The optimal extraction conditions may vary depending on the equipment and the type of black pepper berries used.

In a study by Wang et al. (2018), the optimal conditions for CO2 extraction of black pepper essential oil were found to be a pressure of 25 MPa, a temperature of 45°C, and an extraction time of 180 min. Under these conditions, the yield of black pepper essential oil was 4.78%.

Effects of CO2 Extraction Parameters on the Yield of Black Pepper Essential Oil

Pressure (MPa)Temperature (°C)Extraction Time (min)Yield of Black Pepper Essential Oil (%)

In addition to the optimal conditions, the quality of the black pepper essential oil obtained by CO2 extraction can also be affected by the maturity, storage, and processing of the black pepper berries. It is important to select high-quality raw materials and carefully control the process to ensure the purity and stability of the essential oil.

CO2 extraction process of rose and 【 CO2 Essential Oil Extraction Equipment】 operation explanation

Benefits and Applications of Black Pepper Essential Oil

  • Relieves pain and inflammation
  • Stimulates digestion and supports metabolism
  • Enhances respiratory function
  • Improves mental clarity and focus
  • Boosts immune system and fights infections
  • Acts as a natural aphrodisiac
  • Used in aromatherapy, perfumery, and flavoring industries


Black pepper essential oil is a valuable and versatile natural product that has many health benefits and applications. The extraction methods of black pepper essential oil include steam distillation, solvent extraction, and CO2 extraction. Among them, CO2 extraction is the most advanced and efficient method that can produce a high-quality and complex essential oil. The CO2 extraction of black pepper essential oil requires careful control of the parameters and selection of high-quality raw materials to ensure the purity and stability of the final product.

Optimization black pepper essential oil

The optimization black pepper Essential oil is extracted from berries of black pepper by supercritical CO2 fluid and light greenish in appearance.

CO2 extract black pepper oil

This oil is free from solvent, pesticide residues and heavy metal traces and therefore is ideal for high quality pharmaceutical, cosmetic, cosmoceutical, nutraceutical formulations and food products.

More black pepper information in the wiki


The ripe fruit of Piper nigrum L., a pepper plant.

Black Pepper’s woody warm aroma comes from the volatile oils found mostly in the flesh and skin. The pungency of its bite comes from the alkaloids and resins found in seeds. The essential oil goes into perfumes and flavourings. It is used for reducing stomach and intestinal gas and has been found to stimulate the activities of the heart and kidneys.

Production process

After pulverizing black pepper at low temperature, it is produced by supercritical CO2 extraction technology.

Black pepper essential oil CO2 extraction method

Main ingredients

Piperine, α-pinene, L-α-phellandrene, piperonal, dihydroarteline alcohol, etc.


Light red oily clear liquid, with the unique aroma and spicy taste of black pepper.


Light yellow to light green oily liquid.


Has a unique aroma of black pepper

Physical properties

  • Relative density (25℃)/(g/cm3): 0.8700~0.9500
  • Refractive index (20℃): 1.4800~1.5500
  • Arsenic (calculated as As)/(%): ≤0.0002
  • Lead (calculated as Pb)/(%): ≤0.001

Active compounds

Black peppercorns contain compounds called alkaloids and one of most important is piperine. It acts as a central nervous system depressant and suppresses fever and pain. It is known to be anti-inflammatory and insecticidal. It is known to cause skin pigmentation and is used in vitiligo.

About black pepper

Pure natural black pepper oil extracted by supercritical CO2
Black pepper
  • Pepper is one of the oldest and the world’s most important spice. It is the dried fruit of Piper nigrum L.
  • Native of Madagascar and Malabar Coast of South Western India, pepper is also known as the King of Spices.
  • The berries start turning from red to black as they mature, black pepper is dried, developed unripe fruit.
  • Pepper can be used in tonic and is also used as a flavour ingredient in food products. In meat products it is used for curing and preserving.

Photo of supercritical CO2 extraction black pepper essential oil machine